Monday, August 10, 2009

A new biographic note for the Center for Inquiry.

Gary S. Hurd received a doctorate in Social Science from the University of California, Irvine in 1976 (emphasis in Anthropology). He subsequently served on the faculties of the California College of Medicine (UCIMC), the Medical College of Georgia (Psychiatry), and held numerous adjunct appointments. In 1985, he returned to archaeology, the original focus of his early research. He has publications ranging from topics in psychiatry, mathematics and chemistry to insect frass, fish digestion, prehistoric ceremonialism and forensic taphonomy. He was also honored for including undergraduates in published research, and named teacher of the year.

Hurd became actively involved in the creationist anti-science debate over ten years ago while the Curator of Anthropology, and Director of Education for the Orange County Museum of Natural History. His critique of Intelligent Design Creationism was published in "Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New Creationism," 2004, Rutgers University Press, Matt Young and Taner Edis, editors. This chapter was used in the cross-examination of ID proponent Michael Behe, and cited by the Court’s decision in the famous 2005 Dover creationism trial.

Now a frequent academic guest lecturer, Hurd tries to reach popular audiences through such web sites as No Answers in Genesis;

“A Response to a Dubious Diluvium: A Tas Walker Creationist Fantasy”

“Oard's Moonbeam”


“Dino-blood and the Young Earth”
“Dino Blood Redux”
“Ancient Molecules and Modern Myths”

The National Center for Science Education;
"Why Reinvent the Crystal?”

And science blog "The Panda’s Thumb," which he co-founded;

“Dembski's Five Questions: Number One”

His current projects include intermittent bursts of writing on three books;

“Someone to Blame: How Creationism Exploits the Holocaust”
“You’ve Got to Be Kidding: The Pious Frauds of Creationism”
“Where Did The Bible Say That?: How Creationism Violates Scripture”

Biblical and Koranic criticism
Evolution, creationism, and intelligent design
Religion and genocide
Science and religion
Science and pseudoscience
Archaeology and the Bible

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