Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am almost really done with my Joe Kuhn paper


I have not posted for weeks, and I appologise my ass off. But I had a 44 page draft that had to get squished into a 10 page final. That is killing me.

It is nearly there.

This is an excellent example of why creationists have an advantage lying. They lie. Every breath they take is a lie. I took 14 pages of text, and over 100 references just to debunk 1.5 pages of creatocrap from Joe the Surgeon. And, I still don't know if the Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings will publish my work. They published the creatocrap....


  1. I am not a scientist, which makes keeping up kind of a challenge. I just browse the google news headlines and I subscribe to Scientific American. Creationists are only partly arguing for Genesis - imho what they really want is a world where you can learn something in high school and be finished with learning forever. They probably also believe that the brontosaurus existed and Pluto is a planet.

    Anywho, I thought of them when I read this article: because this species could be that "transitional fossil" they go on about. (well, of course every fossil is "transition" but you know...)

  2. Lying is easy. Getting it right is hard work. That's why the Gish Gallup is so popular among Creationists.

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