Tuesday, May 07, 2019

James Tour, Liar for Jesus

The blog post I did a few days ago, "James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life" resulted in a YouTube video with Bill Ludlow.

It has gone 'live' this morning.

"Gary Hurd And Bill Ludlow Respond To James Tour's Mystery Of Life"

I must insist that I am not as old as I look. The camera added at least 20 years, and I have a mirror to prove it!

If you have visited this page from the Disco'tute website, Go Read The Original Piece.

The events are proceeding (July 2019). I have written a reply to John West, and James Tour;

Prof. James Tour and the Disco’Tutes: Still Lying, Part 1.


  1. Just saw you on Bill Ludlows YouTube. Keep doin what ya do.

    Ypu might not be as old as the camera says.... But your first degree was earned the year i was born.

    I respect and listen tp my elders.... Then i judge if they have the basics to speak authoritatively on a subject.

    You have that authorities

  2. We got a push back from James Tour, and the Disco'tutes.

    I have not even read it yet.


  3. So, I read the Disco'tute whine.

    It deserves a full force reply. Now I have a plan for tomorrow.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I deleted a creationist's comment just a few minutes ago.

    to the creationist, Post it with your name. I only allow exceptional comments from any anomynous source. Your comment was not exceptional, but you can post using a real name.

  6. The first of three posts was linked above,


    The rest followed.

  7. A nitwit just posted a link to the Disco'tute's slander against me. They used the "handle" ds5252. I deleted it because it was redundant. Plus, their "handle" had only that one single comment. Under the bridge, Troll!

    If you have missed the many links I have given to the Disco'tute BS, here it is again
